Solar Power Rooftop Solution Company in Vadodara | Electro Line

Harnessing Solar Energy For Better Future & Better Access To Power – Electro Line

  • Operational Excellence
  • Affordable Power
  • Low-Cost Installation

Electro Line is a leading solar panel installation company in Vadodara that has been at forefront of, Solar Power Pack (Off-Grid & On-Grid), and Customized Solar Power Plants.

Our Services

For Home

Powering your home was never so much affordable as it is with Solar Power Solutions.

  • Low Energy Bills
  • Easy Power Access
  • Simple Installation

For Industry

Reduce your power costs and generate clean energy for your business.

  • Low-Cost Power
  • Simplified Installation
  • Operational Efficiency

For Commercial

Optimize operations, and power your organization with solar energy.

  • Reduced Operating Cost
  • Easy Installations
  • Renewable Energy Sources

How Solar Works

Solar panel power system on rooftop works by converting the sun’s light rays into electricity. Such electric energy can then be used at your home or even exported to a power grid.

Solar Panel

Solar Panel are a group of silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells that absorb the sunlight’s rays and use the Photovoltaic Effect for power generation.


Inverter converts the DC into Alternating Current (AC) for solar power generated through panels, which can be used in your home.

How Solar Works


Meter records the amount of power usage of your house, plus also the amount of solar energy absorbed by the grid through net metering.

Network Grid

Network Grid allows export of unused solar power from your home or business back to the grid and let you earn feed-in tariff (FiT), or an energy credit which will help reduce the final bill.

What We Do?


The process begins with a site visit from our solar specialists that analyzes your infrastructure for consultation purposes.


Once our specialists have analyzed the infrastructure, we design and manage the entire solar power system.


The design approval, and documentation with regards to authorities for permissions is carried out.


Once proper permissions are approved, our team will contact you for scheduled installation, and make sure it syncs with your infrastructure.

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